Wednesday, December 19, 2012

End of the world.

The hottest news today: End of the World. This news prevails over the whole world. Is it real? The world is going to end tomorrow? We are living in 21 century, advancement of technology can detect any incoming catastrophe, yet, some are preventable. I had have came across so many "judgement days" and, I'm still alive. Does it mean anything? And, 21-12-2012, of course, these were prophetic words from Mayan.

Frankly, I have no idea. Rainy days give me a feeling of melancholy, rainy days make me feel like there will be no tomorrow. Spending all hard-earned money, playing games like an insane, and lying on my bed to meditate of my life. Many things left undone, everything is out of my estimation. Fail to follow my plan, apologize sincerely to myself. 

No matter what's going to happen tomorrow, it is a day to remember. An unprecedented revolution of civilization will be changed? who knows. My life is precious, and I am very appreciate. Appreciation of everything which given to me. Thank you :)

Always remember, I'm Ho, Wilber Ho. If the world is ending tomorrow, be friend with me in the next life. I'm proud to be one of your friends :D 

                                                 You have such beautiful eyes, hehe

Friday, December 14, 2012

Journey to the Desktop.

在我孤独难耐,孤掌难鸣,孤独寒冷,风雨交加,干柴烈火,水火不如的假期里,I make up my mind,我需要组装架电脑来弥补我空虚的时间,哈哈。由于之前的laptop已经残旧不已,用了9年之际,还让我留下了许多美好的回忆。例如说里面装有很多Alex给我的影片,哈哈!okay,点到即止,我明白的xD You see ?!开到这样爽的laptop你有看过吗?! 于是展开了一连串的计划,把那些价钱全部算到清清楚楚,就连哪家便宜1块钱就要去哪边买,我不要去讲我的朋友,哈哈,丢我的脸,搜查了几家的价钱然后再做compare,结果最后全部都在PC depot settle去了== 这次想组装的是架超级电脑,好像Iron man and Batman的超级电脑,我的意思是能玩最最好料的game啦 x)hehe,而且这次的processor也是姐夫从Intel拿回来给我的,free的i5 3550 xD 从motherboard说起吧,本来打算要买MSI的MS7759 Z77MA-G45 INTEL Z77 S1155的,可是最后想想了还是换成ASUS的P8Z77-M INTEL Z77 S1155的,最大的差距就品牌不同,ASUS的motherboard比较好,而且比较Stable,它是由DIGI+VRM(Voltage Regulation Modules)合拼起来组成的GPU,简单点来说就是enhanced system stability。而且外表看起来也很霸气xD
接下来的就是Graphics card了。这次整架CPU里面最贵的就是这个graphics card(Processor不算,free的关系),为了要build架gaming的specs,所以graphics card一定要选够好才能support到3D的games例如call of duty,GTA之类的。在AMD和NVIDIA这两个牌子我选了NVIDIA,因为gaming用这个牌子的graphics card会比较好,所以买了MSI的GeForce N650GTX,1GB DDR5 128-bit,价钱当然也sui,RM489,将近500块的graphics card。
当然的,用到这样好的graphics card,需要extra的power supply,所以选了cooler master的EX2treme 525W来support这个graphics card,同时的也买了cooler master的CPU cooler和chassis,为什么会选cooler master?你都会讲咯,cooler master,一定不容易烧的吗xD master you know?
最后就把所有的零件组装到cooler master的chassis里咯,哈哈
买的21.5"的电脑银幕用了15分钟就立刻被我封印起来打入冷宫了,由于我一个人居住罢了,所以现在40"寸将会是我的电脑银幕,哈哈,而且要谢谢我的graphics card,接出来的画面1920x1080p, Full HD,超高清的!无论是看戏或打game,40寸绝对是足够了,哈哈! 这次所有的费用总数是RM2061,算不错吧?:)比我预算的budget 2000块多出了61块,由于金额庞大,所以没有带cash去,带老爸申请给我的credit card去刷,刷下去的5分钟后老爸的追魂夺命call就来了。 老爸:“翔,你是不是用卡买东西?”,我就:“har,是的是的”,然后他就放心的:“har har har,okok,我帮你还到完 。哈哈,等啦,是我自己出钱买的这次 T.T 做到像狗的工钱都完了。 除此之外,这次要特别谢谢Alex这么用心用力地帮我问,帮我找,哈哈,真的是感激不尽。还有另外一个,haiz..可以不要提起你吗?哈哈,okay啦,以后买电脑的千万不要带SW去,他什么都不会,kacau就最厉害,还有最喜欢弄坏人家车的东西了,哈哈! P/S 以后你们去PC Depot买东西,千万不要找女的,因为当你问她两个产品之间的差别,她只会说“都一样啊”,“XX牌子比较好”等等之类的屁话,甚至用Proton Saga和Proton Saga XL来解释给你听==