Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The girl = )

It has been a long time that I didn't update my blog. So, tonight I will update my blog, at the same time, I will show you all who is my dar = )

Looking at this picture, I could feel that I am a lucky guy. A girl who does well in everything and now she becomes my dar.
I'm not going to leave you alone, I'm not going to make you sad, I'm going to love you until the end. = )

Actually, I do not know what to say now. So I decided to create a poem for her. I don't know it is poem or not = =.. but, I really made it for you, my dar = )

For the first time in my dismal life,
I feel love flow in my heart,
The same heart once thought cold and lifeless,
Fills with glorious joy and happiness.

Because of a woman,
Whose spirit is full of passion,
Her eyes that shine like sapphire stars,
Filled with warmth and beauty,
A smile that brings happiness to my sad existence.

I have never known love until now,
Because of the way she touched my heart,
Took hold of my depressed soul,
And showed me the beauty of life's wonders.

Everything that I thought impossible,
All seems to be within my grasp,
I see everything in a new light,
Because of something I thought unworthy to feel,
To feel love's tender kiss,
And I bask in its beauty so.

Because of the feelings of a woman,
Whom I would love now and forever,
My heart beats its final note to life's great song,
I love you = )

---------The End-----------

Thanks ^^
Written by Wilber Ho

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fall for you , my dar ~

When the first day I saw you, I felt strange. When the first day I met you, I felt you were unfamiliar.
And now, there's no more strange, no more unfamiliar between us.

Do all of you believe fall in love in first sight? Yes I do believe it. I was fallen in love with her, a girl who looked exactly beautiful, adorable.
Both of us extremely enthusiastic, the first day we met, we talked, I knew myself already got fond for you. You said you too.

This time I won't disguised, this time I won't devious, I'm hankering to be with you now and forever, no matter what.
These days I gonna crazy, missing you non-stop.. every moment, every second, your images keep appearing in my brain. I know that this time not a puppy love anymore.

You hug me tight, and never let it go. When I hug you, you say you feel security, and afraid that I take off my hands.
Your body is so fragrant, I couldn't forget the smell. When the night I slept, the smell kept surrounding me. And again, your images appeared in front of me, do you know?

The first night, you asked me if you got a crush with me, what would I do? I shocked and smile. I knew my lover was you, no doubt. My six sense told me that.
True love not so easy to find, and I've found you, I would appreciate you and protect you, no matter what, even sacrifice myself for you, I'm willing to do that = )

We had counted the stars together in the field, looking at each other even 10 hours also won't able to feel boredom. Just because I love you = )
She asked me what was my ambition, I smiled and answered her " my ambition is to accompany you to fulfill your ambition = ) " and she smiled.

What boy needs to do for a girl is loving her, just love her and that's all. Don't ask about her past, a mature guy won't do such things. What girl needs to do for a boy is to understand him, not always check him, this isn't call love.
Remember what I say = )

"When you love someone, set them free. If they come back, they were meant to be yours. If they didn't, they never were. -Wilber Ho" ^^

Tuesday, January 12, 2010







我不会做这种幼稚的事情,更不会让我的妈妈担心。因为我还要好好的孝顺我的妈妈 ^^


壳易碎人非也。” XD

Saturday, January 9, 2010


开学一个星期了,总感觉好像过了一个月,I was totally running out of energy. 还以为上了中四后可以继续玩,可以继续废,不过。。现在的我可不这么认为。。

随着年龄的上升,所面对的压力和挑战,理所当然也会截然不同。现在我身为一个Form4学生,脑以及所有动作,语言也应该要成长了吧。在这个星期里面,我面对了很多我未曾面对过的挑战。例如选班时,理应要当机立断,可是我却一直婆婆妈妈= =.. 拖拖拉拉,现在说起来也不知不觉地感觉到一丝丝的害羞~XD 经过漫长的讨论,商量等等,我终于为我的前途决定了,就是Science 2 ^^

既然读了Science Class,应该要有实力,所以..良友!靠你了!哈哈,当然我自己也要努力啦==..自从上了Form4后,所有的朋友都为了忙着补习而弄到自己快疯了,我也不例外~XD 从星期一到星期六我都有补习,而且都是我自己去的= =.. Alex, 你说你希望有一台Motor不用踏到这样辛苦,其实,我骑motor的..每天从Bukit Panchor骑到高渊去也不是好滋味,骑到,我现在闭着眼睛也知道路该怎么走了,哈哈哈!liao啦,说真的,现在的我根本不想再去骑motor了,geli到....下次我要坐车去了。XD 而且我是没有执照的= =..如果警察block..liao咯

今天是星期天,想到明天要去学校,要去补习就怕了起来,宁愿去做工好过= = 一整天都没精神,懒懒散散的,不过昨晚好爽 ^^ 因为我去福音堂唱歌XD 而且还唱的很好听,哇哈哈哈,下星期还要去 ^^ 不过当他们说基督的东西时,我以尊重他们的心态来听。

刚跟佳毅满杰玩dota,sien..我随便玩都拿Top2,哈哈,可能是我太强了,没办法,如果我不强的话就没办法救佳毅了,哈哈。好啦,多一下就要去打羽球了,也是sien,要骑到高渊去= =..真的厌倦了骑motor.. LIAO LA !!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A nameless stress ...

What has gone into making a parade a grand success? What has gone into making life a real success? What has gone into attaining greatness to great nations of the world? Discipline. Discipline means to train a person's personality change into good and be responsible to everything. In many ways it is the most valuable lesson to learn.

During this very moment, I only discover that I am not a discipline man. 24th, we went to take our PMR examination result and the school principal sent us a request that called our parents came to school at 5th. Today, 5th my dad came to my school , not only me, almost 200+ students's parents had to come to school, but most of them were absented ==..

In the school hall, the speech was beginning started at around 0910. The principal talked about the bullshit and asked us to get out of this school. WTF? what's wrong of being came out early during the PMR examination? I just too confident so I came out early and studied other subjects. Oi, noob principal, don't treat me like the bad students, I'm not them, I got 4As for SMKTAR, still want to decrease me 15 marks? diu.

But never mind, everything has come to the end. Afternoon 1200 we were called to gather in the hall again. This time was different, because we were longing this moment for 2 days already (because of the noob principal). I was sent to Science 2, diu, I very beh siok because the main subjects for going into Science 1 I got scored. Why still Science 2? But never mind, at least same class with ying yi~ siok till ..... XD But tomorrow I still have to apply to go into Science 1.

Afternoon I went to tuition, seeing teacher still looked healthy XD and she beat me and said "waa.. normally you play play, now get 4As har, hahaha. " Lol ==..

After finishing our tuition class (p/s today tuition add.maths) , somebody went back home, and some of us were staying at there and discussing our problems with her. She slowly answered us what we asked, she gave us some suggestions and advised me that stayed in Science 2.. That time I really under stress .. You cannot understand how heavy of stresses that I am affording now. I've made my words that I would get 8As in my SPM examination, I don't know I can or not but I will try, I will do my best !! Wilber Ho !! You can make it !! 8As, wait me and don't leave. ^^

At last, I hope you can give me some suggestions that I should stay in S2 or S1 or A1 XD thanks a lot

Written by Wilber

Sunday, January 3, 2010


明天就要开学了,又要回到那种每天补习的生活,一个字---SIEN !!!!!!! 我想不要读书,只想每天8/9点 XD 哈哈哈,开玩笑,我想要休息..唉..

今天下午跟朋友一起去剪头发。由于明天就开学了,我们去的头发店也自然地爆满==..每一个人走进来都只有一句话,那就是:“walao,这样多人!”然后我的“老婆”就说:“等多一个小时多这样才回来啦。”哈哈,而我坐在那边不知怎么的突然自high起来~ xD 现在想起来也很high,哈哈哈哈,可能是因为我“老婆”今天穿特别短吧~哇哈哈哈哈!!paiseh失态==

轮到我剪时,我“老婆”就问我要剪怎样,我回她说:“剪一个你看了会马上爱上我的头~” 哈哈哈!siao== 开玩笑罢了,就跟她说不要太短也不要太长,过后也开始帮我剪了。剪到一半时,她突然跟我说:“其实你的脸看起来很帅,是不是有很多女朋友啊?帅归帅,不要太花心哦。” 我笑了笑地说:“嗯..除了你,你觉得我会再爱上别人吗?” XD 开玩笑,我说:“哈哈,没有帅啦,而且没有女生喜欢我 T.T ” 就这样咯,在剪的过程我的眼睛一直在“强奸”她,哈哈哈,而且这次剪的发型我个人觉得很geng,因为这次有3lines !XD

不知不觉的,从1400剪刀1600+ 剪到肚子也饿了,因为Alex他的头发从很长很长剪到很短很短,我很奇怪为什么他不干脆剪G2? ==..就这样,大家都剪好后便去买东西吃了,而我就打包chicken rice去秋鑫家享受,过后也没去打羽球了,就在他家闲聊了2小时= =..炸到

最后回去时便去买了两件白衣和一件长裤,明天就要开学了,等到今天才来买== 乐啊,加起来RM64而我钱包只剩RM51!!炸到,最后跑去跟Alex借了RM15才成功买到我的衣和裤。回家路途碰巧下雨,唉..整身湿塌塌的,如果换成是我“老婆”湿就好了~xD


Friday, January 1, 2010

Finally !! I am FREE !!!!!

当31th Dec 2009时,我一直都在期待着时间快点来到下午6点,因为那时是我最后一天的工作,哈哈,也是我最后一次拿薪水,兴奋!!一直看着手表,每次当我看着手表时,感觉好像过了一小时,哪里知道才十分钟= =..炸到!不过最后还是坚持到了6点,我以为薪水即将来到我面前,哪里知道那个书记拖拖拖到6点半才给我= =..妈的,不过算了吧,哈哈,反正都是最后一次了,要忍!


这些钱都是我辛苦赚回来的啊..你以为赚钱容易吗?唉..都是用我那双手去打拼回来的 T.T

工作,理所当然的是为了自己想要的东西而打拼,大人则是为了养家糊口才工作的。这次的工作让我得到了许多宝贵的经验,当然也要谢谢所有人对我的照顾,这两个月辛苦你们了 XD 也是要谢谢老板儿子对我的教导,例如做人应该要怎样,礼貌,还有大人社会中我多不知道的东西,他都一一跟我说了,要特别谢谢他 ^^ 总之谢谢全部人就是了啦,哈哈。
