拿成绩的前一晚,说真的,我整晚不能睡!因为太紧张了,所以整晚都感觉好像被bully这样睡不好,可是到了最后还是睡去了啦,哈哈。好啦,废话不多说,到了学校等成绩时,还是很担心T.T 那颗心一直扑通扑通地狂跳~xD
轮到我拿成绩时,实在是怕到........因为我觉得我只能拿数学一颗A罢了,只是结局,却让我们如此意外~XD 当我拿到时我整个人立刻跳了起来!而且已经把那张成绩单弄得皱皱了==..
Bahasa Malaysia = C
Bahasa English = A
Maths = A
Science = A
Sejarah = E (sweat =.=)
Geo = C
Kh = B
Bahasa Chinese = A (because I'm 华人) ^^
4As, 1B, 2Cs and 1E = =..liao la
First of all, here I am to deliver a brief speech to thank everyone.
In the beginning, I would like to say thank you to my stupid 2nd sister. Reasons? Because before the PMR, she kept saying me "没有用的啦你,不用读书了,去做工好过,成绩烂到像粪一样,kat diao liao" . Because she said these words, and made me felt irritating, so I made my promised that was "我一定会赢你的,放心". And now, I really take over her and I feel unlimited of proud ,wahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahaha !!!! Stupid Ho Man Yen, really thank you ^^ At the same time, I also want to thank my mother. Because she siok siok then join my 2nd sister together scold me "整天玩电脑,kat diao liao la 你". Because they 2, and I get 4As to prove myself that I can. 我不是小孩,我是冠军 ^^
okay, the second that I want to say thank you is my tuition teacher- Mrs. Teoh. She was a responsible teacher (for me) and before the exam, she gave us a lot of exercise and kept teaching us, giving us F.O.C study group (p/s almost everyday) . A million thank you to her, and teacher, I want to say is I love you, you are the best teacher that I ever seen.
After that, I would like to thank my biggest sister. Because when the PMR examination was just around the corner, she kept away the laptop and called me "study study study, 进不到Science班你就知道,做不到Engineer你也就知道" . Very thank you to her.
Therefore, I would like to thank my brother in law. Sometime he would give me some useful assistance, such as Maths, Science and English. When I was in trouble and he would give me his hand. Thank you 姐夫 ^^
After that, I also want to thank my fellow friends. During the PMR examination was coming soon, we went to kelvin's house, jiayi's house for having our studies. But the truth was playing in friend's home ==.. So here are some advised that "DO NOT GO TO YOUR FRIEND'S HOME TO STUDY UNLESS YOU ARE SERIOUS" .. speechless ~
Last but not least, I also want to thank someone. Because of her teach me English, all my English subjects only can get score, really thank you. I hope you are fine and get a good result too ^^
In a nutshell, before examination, I really damn hate you all, really, trust me, I really damn hate you all kept scolding me. And now, I want to apologize and profusely thank you all. Because you all, I only can get such good result (except sejarah E ==). I love you ^^
aik... aik~ i think i noe who's de sum1 u wanna thank..
ReplyDeletenono.. i think EVERYONE knows....
^^ thanks
ReplyDeletesiapa tu ?
ReplyDeleteduno~ ^^