Monday, December 28, 2009

Final countdown !

What I really need to do right now is waiting .. 3 days left !!!!! arhhhhhhhh !!!! Final countdown .. 24 hours x 3 days = 72hours ^^ I will tell more details when the days are coming . Good night all ^^

Friday, December 25, 2009

Old no go, New no come. wahahaha !!

"If the old doesn't go, the new will not come."
What I really want to express is, if you are persevering on something old, and never give yourself a chance for doing something new, that's means your level of wisdom only reach there and never raises more.

The main point of this post is about my motorcycle's helmet ! ^^
Of course, a motorcycle which is looking nice should be matched with a cool+geng helmet. Last time the helmet wasn't match with this motor = =.. and it looked very "ah pek's helmet" xD. Therefore, I always got laughs from my friends, some of them said " Wilber, your motor so nice, why your helmet so ......." I heard and silent there = =.. But, since I worked , everything has changed ~ although the salary quite less and sometimes I was running out of stamina, but I know .. I have to wait ..

And now.. My dreams finally come true. First and foremost, Helmet. A good helmet will make other peoples use different gaze to see you. Maybe only me think like this.. LOL back to the main point better = =..

This is my old helmet and new helmet. ^^

It looks funny and really ah pek, isn't it?

And this is my new helmet, KHi ^^ and it costs RM160 lol ==..

This is the back.
it almost spoils and looks very ugly XD

One word can be described = geng. XD

This is the front of this two helmets.

Thank you because accompany me in these 7 months, and now you are replaced T.T I will miss you Star T.T

Oh baby ~ oh yeah ~ X-DOT ~.~ not KHi?! But I like it so much too ^^

That is my new helmet, hehehe, after buying helmet, the next would be changed AHM's pipe XD but still in considered. As for the old helmet .. BIG SALE !! RM30 cheap cheap sell !! wahahahha, if anyone feels interesting please contact me, number is 0174600257, waiting for your call ~ ^^

Thursday, December 24, 2009

PMR result ~


拿成绩的前一晚,说真的,我整晚不能睡!因为太紧张了,所以整晚都感觉好像被bully这样睡不好,可是到了最后还是睡去了啦,哈哈。好啦,废话不多说,到了学校等成绩时,还是很担心T.T 那颗心一直扑通扑通地狂跳~xD
轮到我拿成绩时,实在是怕到........因为我觉得我只能拿数学一颗A罢了,只是结局,却让我们如此意外~XD 当我拿到时我整个人立刻跳了起来!而且已经把那张成绩单弄得皱皱了==..


Bahasa Malaysia = C
Bahasa English = A
Maths = A
Science = A
Sejarah = E (sweat =.=)
Geo = C
Kh = B
Bahasa Chinese = A (because I'm 华人) ^^

4As, 1B, 2Cs and 1E = =..liao la

First of all, here I am to deliver a brief speech to thank everyone.
In the beginning, I would like to say thank you to my stupid 2nd sister. Reasons? Because before the PMR, she kept saying me "没有用的啦你,不用读书了,去做工好过,成绩烂到像粪一样,kat diao liao" . Because she said these words, and made me felt irritating, so I made my promised that was "我一定会赢你的,放心". And now, I really take over her and I feel unlimited of proud ,wahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahaha !!!! Stupid Ho Man Yen, really thank you ^^ At the same time, I also want to thank my mother. Because she siok siok then join my 2nd sister together scold me "整天玩电脑,kat diao liao la 你". Because they 2, and I get 4As to prove myself that I can. 我不是小孩,我是冠军 ^^

okay, the second that I want to say thank you is my tuition teacher- Mrs. Teoh. She was a responsible teacher (for me) and before the exam, she gave us a lot of exercise and kept teaching us, giving us F.O.C study group (p/s almost everyday) . A million thank you to her, and teacher, I want to say is I love you, you are the best teacher that I ever seen.

After that, I would like to thank my biggest sister. Because when the PMR examination was just around the corner, she kept away the laptop and called me "study study study, 进不到Science班你就知道,做不到Engineer你也就知道" . Very thank you to her.

Therefore, I would like to thank my brother in law. Sometime he would give me some useful assistance, such as Maths, Science and English. When I was in trouble and he would give me his hand. Thank you 姐夫 ^^

After that, I also want to thank my fellow friends. During the PMR examination was coming soon, we went to kelvin's house, jiayi's house for having our studies. But the truth was playing in friend's home ==.. So here are some advised that "DO NOT GO TO YOUR FRIEND'S HOME TO STUDY UNLESS YOU ARE SERIOUS" .. speechless ~

Last but not least, I also want to thank someone. Because of her teach me English, all my English subjects only can get score, really thank you. I hope you are fine and get a good result too ^^

In a nutshell, before examination, I really damn hate you all, really, trust me, I really damn hate you all kept scolding me. And now, I want to apologize and profusely thank you all. Because you all, I only can get such good result (except sejarah E ==). I love you ^^

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tiok tagged ~.~

随着我还在准备别的post时,先来post这个吧~不要让你们等太久 ^^

* 我的大名: 潘玮柏(开玩笑啦~何镇翔^^)
* 我的生日: 1994-06-19
* 生日想得到什么礼物: 新摩托125ZR,KHI's 头盔,AHM's 响pipe,和老婆一个!XD
* 近期压力大的事: 我可爱的pimples= =..
* 想做的事: 大喊“wo beh tahan liao !!”
* 有没有喜欢的人: 有,而且很多~.~
* 同学会要回去找老师吗: 傻的,打我都还没跟你算
* 跟谁出去最幸福: 姐姐+妈妈 ^^
* 如果你的两个好友吵架了: 不止两个,我跟整群人吵架
* 跟情人最想去哪: 当然是...我家啦!XD wahahaha 18+
* 圣诞节要做什么: 躲在家睡觉咯
* 最想跟谁过圣诞节: 没有人 ^^
* 有没有床气: 应该还好吧~嘿嘿嘿
* 有几个兄弟姐妹: 兄弟姐妹都有 = =..
* 最喜欢的一首歌: My Hero- Wilber Ho xD
* 喜欢什么颜色: 白色咯,因为我很黑,所以希望可以变白T.T
* 上厕所会不会后冲水: 看心情咯~心情不好就算一大坨屎也不冲(开玩笑啦,哈哈)
* 喜欢男生还是女生: 男生~~~~~kekeke,偏偏要回反话
* 最想大声说什么: Wo Beh Tahan Liao !!
* 半夜敢不敢自己上厕所: 做么不敢?不然尿在床咩?siao eh
* 最近看过最好看最欲罢不能的小说是什么: 应该是没有吧..
* 谁很欠打: 把我当佣人使来使去的人,还有很多说不完,要知道就去看“所谓的好朋友”
* 现在很迷什么: Motor T.T 我爱死你了.
* 睡相很差: 潘玮柏怎样睡法我就是那样咯 ^^
* 现在的时间: 2130
* 今天天气: 热到...................
* 你若中乐透最想做什么: 做么要跟你讲?等下你来打枪我叻?= =..我会静静和慢慢花XD
* 大学生一定要玩的活动: 我都不是大学生我哪里知道?siao eh
* 失眠后会: 傻去和狂笑,因为睡眠不足
* 你睡觉有流口水的情况: xD secret ~
* 近期开心的事: 学会了很多很多我不知道的东西 (p/s 谢谢 Ah Kiat ^^)
* 你经常通宵不睡吗: 不会吧,这种事情只有败类才会做
* 推荐一首最近很喜欢的歌: 老歌可以吗?xD
* 你能够和陌生人谈恋爱吗? : 可以,因为我只要觉得对方美就上了,哈哈
* 自由对于你来说有多重要? : 双子座的男人最厉害什么?自由,花心(除了我),贪新忘旧^^
* 你人生中最想做的事情是什么: 18+ 的东西咯 XD wahahaha
* 你最想为所爱的人做什么: 做菜给她吃 ^^
* 你打算几时结婚啊: 看咯,男人应该以事业为重,女人=红颜祸水
* 你觉得生活有喜感么: 有,尤其是在工作的时候,很开心很爽^^
* 睡觉前第一件事: 洗脸刷牙吧
* 起床后第一件事: 不想去工作,因为很累 T.T
* 你的偶像: 你们说呢?哇哈哈哈
* 你喜欢的季节: 马来西亚只有夏天,你要我怎样选?
* 打工次数: 第1次 ^^
* 你想去的地方: 巴黎
* 你讨厌什么样的个性: 整天kap kap kap 我的人,嘴巴不会酸咩?炸到
* 你会抽烟吗: 不会,可是有试过^^ 小时侯的无知
* 你会喝酒吗: 会~Tiger ^^ 最高纪录我一个人solo 3瓶
* 你常哭吗: 男人大丈夫,流血不流泪
* 你长笑吗: 你觉得我能不笑吗?
* 都睡到几点: 最来工作所以都是0810要醒了,周末就1100+ ^^
* 机会和命运你会选择: 机会,因为现在的我知道什么叫“把握机会”
* 你很自恋吗: 哈哈,还好而已啦,以前就很自恋
* 你有穿耳洞吗: 没有
* 这问卷多不多: 多到..........
* 喜欢吃冰吗: 喜欢~
* 现在幸福吗: 嗯..有家人当然幸福啊
* 最在乎那几个朋友: 我没有朋友
* 房间里最重要的东西是什么: 我的钱!电脑以及抱枕
* 男人出轨要不要原谅他: 我是男人要怎样回答?不过我保证我是绝对不会出轨的~xD
* 你认为人生的意义是什么: 人生有多少个十年?最重要活得开心 ^^
* 如果没有朋友你会怎么做: 认识新朋友咯~
* 如果天使可以满足你一个愿望你会要什么: 家人都身体健康 ^^
* 我为什么做这个答题: Stupid Ho Man Yen 咯
* 喜欢吃的水果: 我什么都吃
* 最害怕别人问你什么: 可以借我钱吗?XD
* 你喜欢雪吗: 都没有看过pun
* 下辈子要做什么: 神
* 还希望被点: 蛮期待的
* 你最没有耐心做的一件事是什么: 等,我讨厌等
* 不想看书的时候怎么办: 玩电脑或看电视
* 自己眼中的理想收入是多少(实际一点): RM10000+ 因为我知道我是国家未来的栋梁,分分钟RM100000+ 一个月也说不定 xD
* 你的昵称是: 翔啊翔,阿翔,Wilber,berber~ = =..

Ivan Ng
Durian Kia

1. 被点到必填, 不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷
2. 请老实回答每一问题
3. 不能擅自涂改题目
4. 写完请点几位小朋友, 不可以不点
5. 完后请通知那几位朋友他被点到了

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

所谓的“好朋友” (2)

所谓的“好朋友” = 就是说他们会在你辛苦工作时跟别的朋友一起吃早餐,而你却只能在lorry里经过看着他们开心。

所谓的“好朋友” = 就是说他们曾经答应过你的事情可以忘记,跟别的朋友一起去剪头发,留下你跟你那有如鸟窝般的头发也不管你。

所谓的“好朋友” = 就是说他们会在你工作时完完全全忘记你的存在,不再会打电话给你,甚至关心你的工作情况。

所谓的“好朋友” = 就是说你叫他陪你一起打Dota,可是他会找借口,例如妈妈要用电脑或者说GG突然间坏。

所谓的“好朋友” = 就是说你等了他两个小时只为了跟他打盘Dota联络感情,可是他却可以把这件事情抛到九霄云外。

所谓的“好朋友” = 就是说他们会在你辛苦工作时跟别人一起出去玩,而遗忘你一个人在辛苦打拼着只为了赚些钱新年可以跟他们一起出去玩。

所谓的“好朋友” = 就是说他们根本理都不想理你一整个月,然后等到你拿到第一份薪水时说:“记得请我吃啊。”

所谓的“好朋友” = 就是说在你星期天想抽空陪他们打羽球联络感情时,他们却没有打电话通知你今天到底有没有打,害你把唯一一天的假期全部拿来睡觉。

所谓的“好朋友” = 就是说他们也许已经忘记你到底是谁了,可是你还是依然记得他们对你的好。

这样的好朋友,我宁愿不要,这是什么好朋友?pui ! lan jiao la