Friday, October 8, 2010

家 Home

这一篇我会用双语呈现给你们,目的是希望所有人可以阅读这一篇。可能会有点长,可是当你们耐心读完后,你们也许会多了解我一点,谢谢 =) Translator- Daniel Teoh. Thanks !
This post I would like to present all of you 2 languages, because I hope everyone can read this. It may a little bit long, but when you guys finish reading it patiently, you all may be know more about me, thanks !

The basic unit of a society is a home, and it is possessed by almost all of us. Its concept is one of happiness and safety; most importantly it provides security and warmth. No man, however strong and powerful, would dismiss his family’s concerned enquiries… In unhappy moments, a healthy family is the best option, a place to pour out our soul and emotions.

在现今这个社会里,出现了种种的因素而忽略了家庭的重要性,造就和发生了许多可悲的问题。当一个小孩在不健全的环境下成长,他所得到的爱不足够,就会产生不同的变化,尤其是在心理方面得不到足够的安全感。现在的人类眼里只有金钱,也许他们深信只有金钱才能给予他们最大的安全感,除了金钱之外,所有的人一概不信。这个因素极大的可能性就是他们出生于贫穷家庭,或是缺乏家人的爱和关心所造成的。这是其中一个因素,出自于我个人的看法 = )
However, in modern societies, the importance of the family structure is being neglected, and this has caused many grave consequences. The primary victims are always the children, who grow up in a unhealthy environment, one which lacks love. This is bound to have much negative impact on the child, especially on his psychology. He may grow up into an insecure adult someday, who weighs all in monetary value and fails to see life in its rightful manner… He or she only believes in money. Chances are, these people came from broken family backgrounds, either in poverty or a dysfunctional family. This is, however, my personal view..

Fate decides our families, whether rich or poor. It is up to us to readily, or dejectedly meet reality. An example: one who comes from a single or poor family should not grumble , citing divine injustice, or complain about the challenges and scorns from others. What is important to bear in mind in this: it is not your fault, nor is it your desire.

I am actually a pretty talkative person, only lacking in a little courage and confidence. I usually prefer silence and to smile in a conversation. Many of your know that I can, if I want to, talk about a great deal of issues, be it formal or informal. Nevertheless, I ask if anyone has had noticed my reluctance to talk about myself or my family. An observant and sensitive person would have picked that up. I am the kid I talked about above: coming from an incomplete family. I shall, however, stop here: it is indeed a great difficulty and reluctance for me to talk about my family. It seems families like mine are the ‘in’ thing in modern society now… I would think the reason for this undesirable trend would be ignorance, not knowing how to handle their partners and themselves well, and when a big fight comes along, divorce settles the dust.

A family has its own woes, no matter how perfect it may appear. It is an implied Chinese tradition, however, that one does not wash his family’s dirty linen in public. I ask for the reader’s understanding of my adherence to this custom. It is a problem I must carry since I was very young. It is always a pain whenever it comes to filling school forms: I would hesitate, or not know what to fill in the blanks. I thank God for my beautiful childhood though, and back then I did not face too many problems. In the process of maturing, I discover more and more complications attached to matters and people. A constant admonition to myself: I must survive; I have to. In order to do just that I must be wise and sometimes a little crude.

我家境不是很富裕,所以我必须在逆境中寻找出路,我需要自求多福。当你出生于一个环境富有或贫穷时,你就会被培养出不一样的性格。何解我会这样说?举个例子,一只时常在外过活的野猫,和一只在家里每次吃饱就睡的富猫。当它们两只同时放在野外时,哪只会主动去寻找食物?哪只会去寻找庇护所?答案是野猫。而那只富猫只能守株待兔等待食物的来临而活活饿死。我不像那些富有的人只要伸手就有钱(我没那个意识得罪那些有钱人,just example), 我要钱?只有自己想办法生钱。
My family is not an affluent one. It is up to me to find my own way out. If I want something, I must earn it myself. Basic observation tells me that a rich kid is not the same with a kid otherwise. An example is this: a wild and independent cat, and another who lives and sleeps happily in a home; put the two on their own, out in the world, and it seems clear who would be the active cat to search for shelter and food. I say it again: if I want something, I must earn it myself. Contrast with rick kids who merely have to ask and receive. No offence intended, though.

我现在有我自己的理想和目标,我会逐个去实现,我不会守株待兔。身为一个华人都该懂的是百行以孝为先,妈妈不要担心,我不会辜负,我会照顾你的。谢谢你多年来对我照顾有加,我爱你 = ) 蛟龙得云雨,终非池中物。当有机会时,我会大显身手好好干一番。
I now have my dreams and goals in life, which I shall achieve one by one. I’m not waiting for any durian runtuh, or sheer luck. It has always been a cardinal Chinese custom that a son should always fulfill his filial duty. I speak to my mother here: do not worry, I shall not disappoint. I thank you for the years of past where you have cared and fed me, and I love you =). The time shall come, my time shall come, and when it does, I shall grab the opportunity and give it my best shot.

I shall stop now, not wanting to tire my readers any further. Your patience is very much appreciated.

P/s- profusely thanks to Daniel Teoh again !