Looking at this picture, I could feel that I am a lucky guy. A girl who does well in everything and now she becomes my dar.
I'm not going to leave you alone, I'm not going to make you sad, I'm going to love you until the end. = )
Actually, I do not know what to say now. So I decided to create a poem for her. I don't know it is poem or not = =.. but, I really made it for you, my dar = )
For the first time in my dismal life,
I feel love flow in my heart,
The same heart once thought cold and lifeless,
Fills with glorious joy and happiness.
Because of a woman,
Whose spirit is full of passion,
Her eyes that shine like sapphire stars,
Filled with warmth and beauty,
A smile that brings happiness to my sad existence.
I have never known love until now,
Because of the way she touched my heart,
Took hold of my depressed soul,
And showed me the beauty of life's wonders.
Everything that I thought impossible,
All seems to be within my grasp,
I see everything in a new light,
Because of something I thought unworthy to feel,
To feel love's tender kiss,
And I bask in its beauty so.
Because of the feelings of a woman,
Whom I would love now and forever,
My heart beats its final note to life's great song,
I love you = )
---------The End-----------
Thanks ^^
Written by Wilber Ho